Rally Enterprise, it was my dad’s company open in year 199x. After few years operation, the business wasn’t good and it closed down.
Zoom21 Enterprise, it was the company run by me and Michael back to year 1999. We managed to get some share holders to fund us and run the company. I still remember that time the procress we went through to beg the share folders fund us, it wasn’t good… After few months negotiation, they agreed to fund us. Core business is web design..
We were very happy during that time, and those share holders promise to bring clients to us, but they wasn’t. After 1 years I think, the company closed down. Our first client was Siaran, and it’s walk in customer.
and, I found out the feng shui of the building is bad. Ground floor is Citroen branch, business wasn’t good neither.
oh yea, last time the website was www.aozoom.com,
One response to “Dream”
Feng Shui… sigh… my first establishment with another friend is called SmallSoft (Small is bigger than Micro). No funder, I quit my job and coverted my apartment living room into an office. Business was ok in the begining but too bad… he became too good in his profit sharing maths…