How to make your Mac OS X x86 network works with VMWare Workstation???
After Mac OS X has been installed on VMWare Workstation, you will found that the network is not working or the network card it’s not recognize by Mac OS X. You can get the network driver here and follow the instruction below.
Select the ISO file you have downloaded as your CDROM drive
Create a new folder on Desktop(for example network), copy the files from the “CDROM” into the new folder.
Open up the terminal, navigate the to driver folder, run file and reboot
After reboot, I _think_ your network is working now.(bridge,nat or host also work). Hope it helps. For more information and support please visit the driver’s website
166 responses to “VMWare Network on Mac OS X x86”
I found that I didn’t have to do the install above. All I did was:
1) Set Mac OS X to pick up the IP settings from the DHCP server.
2) Shut down Mac OS X VM.
3) In VMware for WS, go to “Edit virtual machine settings”, and select “Ethernet” from the Hardware/Device list.
4) Select “NAT” instead of “Bridged” on the Network Connection List on the right.
5) Restart your Mac OS X Machine. You should now be able to connect to the Internet (although your IP address will be in a different range to your host machine, your Mac OSX VM would basically be on a separate subnet to your host machine).
Fantastic man…
Works Great! thanks a lot for the driver, you made my Mac experience alive.
now I’ll be a little perky and ask gor Sound Driver. Is it exist?
Hi! i got network card configured but i still can not connect to internet.
When i installed vmware i set up as ip is it right? connection is enabled…but i can not ping. Thanks
I also made a shot so that you can better understand my situation…
Works fine here…
I use VMWare 5.5 and te tiger-x86-flat.img (tiger-x86.tar.bz2)
I had to change the line ethernet0.present = “TRUE” in tiger-x86.vmx instead of ethernet0.present = “FALSE”.
After this I run the with the Terminal and my connection was set up.
Can conform that this also works on VMware Workstation 6 Beta, Thanks! Works great.
Thanx! this worked great!!!!!!
Can anyone please provide a sound driver for that?
Thanks in advance
Thanks, I have ethernet now.
But I also have the same problem as rad and noob – browsers crash.
any hints?
arkadaşlar driver vmware de düzgün çalışıyor. Thx. it worked fine 😛
I need help, I’m not sure what to do. Everytime I am in terminal, I am stuck. I tried dragging the my folder and the Cd-ROM) into the terminal and press enter but it always says that
MaxxussAMDPCNET.kext not located. Not found. Or something like that. I also notice in the commands of the terminal, they refered to the System/Library/Extension/IOs…..kext/…/…/… something like that.
Please reply as soon as possible!!
*BTW – R u Malaysian?*
Hey Man, this has been a great help! Now I can use Safari on my notebook to test websites! You’re great…
this is great, high tech stuff right here. the only thing i cant get to work is firefox. it downloaded fine, installed fine, but it wont launch. o well, Vista and OS X all in one, cant get much better!
How am I supposed to get the file from my native os to OSX running in VMWare? I can’t download the file directly to OSX because the internet isn’t working yet, so how do I get the driver into OSX?
Nevermind, got it. I’m rebooting the VM now to see if the internet will work.
Does anyone have sound from OSX running in VMWare? I thought it would make some sounds in the OS, but I hear none.
This driver is great. Works on Win XP, VMware WorkStation 5.5.
I do have one problem though. Safari crashes all the time.
Any fix for this?
(I have deleted the AppleTPMACPI.kext file for a speed boost, maybe that is the cause?)
Didnt work for me. But I get it work adding a second Network device and editing the VMX file. On “Ethernet1.virtualDev =” I write “e1000” with “”. I start x86 and put the TCP/ip configuration.
I was using VMWare Server 1.0.1 ans Jas for AMD 10.4.7
i got this msg “sudo: ./ :command not found”
any1 can help ?
Thanks for the instructions, the networking works great. Safari seems to have problems under vmware though. It is crashing while parsing web pages. Does it have to do with the non supported SSE3 instructions on my CPU or it is a vmware issue? I just wonder if installing the OS natively (on the same PC architecture) would solve the problem. Any comments appreciated. Thanks, George.
about the slow speed: from Tech|ZONE;
A problem has been noted that some computers run very sluggishly with Mac. In Mac, go to: System/Library/Extensions and remove AppleTPMACPI.kext and then restart Mac. Mac should now run MUCH faster.
omfg now with the CPU speed at 5% and internet working im in apple heaven
by the way i had to change the option from bridged to NAT in VMware settings
awesome, everything and the network works perfect!! though running itunes fail and installing applications fail as well.
thanks a lot guys…u owe a lot!
best wishes
wah , damn lot of good respond to this, but i am totally blind to it , what a shame
I am new to MAC. By the pic Embrace published I can see he has FireFox running! Mine does nothing. Is there a trick? I copied the .dmg file to the applications folder – but it does nothing but bounce the icon when I click it.
Thanks to your link to Maxxuss’ driver, I just got Darwin 8.0.1 installed (with networking!) on the final release of VMWare Fusion—many thanks!
i got this msg “sudo: ./ :command not found
just copy everything after the $
(and not everything before the $)
and hit enter
$ cd desktop/network/
$ sudo ./
$ sudo reboot
when asked for password type
and wait for response
after response and if you did all correctly
at the command
sudo reboot
Virtual Mac will reboot
works on vista with vmware 6.0
worked great thanks!
Working here on VMware 6 & Tiger x86.
For those trying to run tiger-x86 in VMWare (I use version 6):
Instead of deleting AppleTPMACPI.kext, you can also use a startup option in the boot loader. When you start the virtual machine, press the SPACE bar (when prompted) to input boot options. Then type:
then hit ENTER to continue booting. Your system will work just as fast as if you deleted the AppleTPMACPI.kext file. I’m not sure if it is the same as deleting the file or not, but my system works fine. At the very least, this should help you get into the system quicker to delete AppleTPMACPI.kext!
good luck.
password for the osx.rar vmare image os OS X 10.4.7 is not bovinity
does anyone now what it is? Seems to be running as user Tom on toms-computer
Got the network to work! And also “platform=X86PC” works also. It speeds things up very well and fixed my hanging at the boot screen problem. I’ve tested both of these on vmware workstation 6.
Note that 10.4.7 and above require !!! That works like a charm.
The zip linked above will yield the error message “23maxxuss_driver_AMDPCNET is not compatible with its superclass, 20IOEthernetController” if loaded directly.
I could have install the driver but the system is so slow now. I have a AMD 3600+ and i asingned 512mb RAm to the vm
Thank you a looooooooooooooooot!!!!Now,internet works on my Hackintosh(erm,OS X86 on VMware Server).But I’ve a problem with sound(doesn’t work).Can you send me the driver at
GREAT:: late hacknight without ucces on networking.. glad i ran into the driver at !!! Worked right away now, thought i went nuts last night 🙂 On ACER M5500 Q6600 VMware6 all fine now!
thanks, it just all f***** up os x. I get a “You need to restart your computer” message every time i try to log on. Because of your f****** driver i got to reinstall os x.
Thank so much for the info about the new driver … i was install and my tiger work in my vmware server …
Thanks very much Really
Im running latest version of VMWare 6.0 (recent build as of 11/3/07) Installed OS X x86 10.4.8 JAS2 with Intel Patch. I have a Core 2 Duo 2.4Ghz 2GB Ram, I assigned 1GB RAM and setup the e1000 in the vmx like the posts said. I even used the MaxxussAMDPCNET files accordingly and still no joy 🙁
The closest I get is the network adapter gets an IP and I can ping the Guest OS IP in OSX as well as Ping the Host (XP SP2) IP. But I cannot ping my gateway/router or anything beyond that. I really would like to get this running because it will be a great tool for testing various things that I need to do.
It’s a no go here 🙁
Not sure where exactly the problem is. I’m running VMware server 1.04 on a CentOS 5 64Bit machine. OS X (JaS 10.4.8) installs fine but I can’t get networking to go. Starting OS X, there’s no network interface shown in “network status”, the Adapter “Built in Ethernet” is available though (shows in “network port configurations”. When I disconnect the Interface from VMware, the Built-in-Ethernet adapter instantly shows up in the “Network Status” box, first with a red light and then orange, telling me it has a self assigned IP address. When I reactivate the Interface, nothing changes. The interface still has its 169….IP address and nothing works. Dunnily enough, I noticed that the MAC address of the interface is “00:00:00:00:00:00” and not the MAC address given in the config file of the VM. I guess that’s the problem but how do I convince OS X to use the proper MAC address?
It worked fine. I have net acces now, but why can’t I install any packages from the net? Even Fink say This program is for i386 not x86, bailing out. What’s that about?
GREAT! Works like a charm. (Workstation 6 / Tiger 10.4.1)
Next problem: No sound. I notice a lot of people have the same problem. Any solution available?
Thanks a lot.
I’m not able to get it to work for some reason. I rebooted after following the instructions on workstation 6 and it still refuses to connect.
Hallo Christina.
More or less the same to me. The only thing i get is either ” no such file or directory”or, “command not found”. This becomes really frustrating!
It works. But you have to put the items into the networkfolder without that MaxxussAMDPCNET folder. Otherwise the direction will not work in the terminal. Sounds really stupid, but if one isn’t used to terminal work it could last a long time until you get it. Thanks
it work in VMware Workstation ACE Edition. I just add a new network card and install os will indicate a new network card for use and u can set what u want.
Hi! Using VMWare 5.5 and Mas OSX Darwin 10.4.1 (x86) finally my network is working properly… thx.