FTEC Laptop – SUCK

My friend, who bought a FTEC laptop 2 months ago, right after he bought the laptop, the screen screwed up. Yes.. Right after mean after he took out from the box and power on.

So, he went to change a new one and plan to resell online. After the changed, he never open up from the box, until yesterday.. He decided not to sell because can’t get a good buyer, and today.. What happened? New model, out from the box, the screen screwed up again!

LoL.. FTEC, Amber Chia endorse, oh yaa.. My friend bought the laptop because of Amber Chia is FTEC endorsee, he love Amber Chia… then now his wallet screwed up 😛

FTEC also awarded Malaysia Super Brand product.. Haha.. I think Malaysia Super Brand council has to reconsider the award, else I am wondering how the Super Brand Council measure the so called _Super Brand_ products.

If you ever think of buy FTEC laptops/products, please think twice before you throw the money. I recommend you buy IBM/Powerbook/iBook! 😛 I do recommend my friend that, but he is so in love with Amber..

129 responses to “FTEC Laptop – SUCK”

  1. what lah u guys… FTEC… why lah buy that brand… U guys should at least survey before u buy something like a laptop for instance.. it is an investment woo… Anyway, Amber has got nothing to do with this one what.. She is sitting beautifully earning money from the company selling faulty laptop… u guys fighting over it… Believe me … Amber doesn’t own a laptop either… Go for Acer friends… cool.. trusted…and value for money.. GO ACER…

  2. Ftec not really that suck. It depends on your luck as well my friend. You need to know that not every brand is 100% sure function properly. Do you believe that IBM also having this kind of problem? I work as a technician, i am the one who do the testing for every notebook that are ready to send out. My company sell Acer, HP, IBM, Dell, Toshiba & etc. And i do help customer to do warranty claim. Dont tell me IBM HP notebook are too good until they are “Unbreakable”. For warranty claim period, it depends on the services center as well. Well, IBM notebook took 1 month for warranty claim as well. And IBM, HP & etc, if no more warranty, do you know that how much it cost you for that? Imagine 1 LCD RM2000++, Motherboard RM1000++?? extend for 2nd & 3rd year warranty? it cost you few hundred.

    my conclusion was that Ftec got it selling point, and for those who having problem with Ftec warranty claim, please make noise to Ftec warranty claim department or just “shot” some mail to Ftec, i dont think they will not take this case serious. Ftec is able to provide you with 3 years warranty, if their product if really that F*ck up, 3 years warranty is going to kill them. I can only say that those who having problem at the beginning is just those 1 out of 1000 users? If you need to complaint, the best way is to complaint to Ftec directly, if they not helping you, then it will be great for you post up here and i will help you to post this article to most of the forum i know.

    Seng Heng? Maybe they are the one that delayed the warranty claim? normally i send my Ftec for warranty claim it took me 1-2weeks time. once i receive faulty Ftec notebook, we will arrange for sending over in the same day or next day. Imagine if IBM notebook warranty claim, and i put in my office store for 1 month, then after i month i decide to send over, do you think that IBM can make the warranty claim in 1 month? Think about it.

    Choose your favourite brand and do some survey as well. Some information from the internet might not be true and you will need to make the final decision.

  3. i heard a laptop which is an OEM product brand INTEL…price is ranging around rm3000… does it exist??? could somebody give me some info abt tat type of laptop….

  4. hey guys!
    I am thinking about buying laptop. and found one (from Siemens) for only 3000 hong kong dollars(about 380 US dollars) with fair performance: 256 mb ram, 700Mhz processor, 40Gb harddrive, 3 usb ports.

    Im searching for a computer with about this performance(its enough for me) and wich wont break down totally within 2 years( like a cracked motherboard or a messy display)
    the positive is the price and the performance
    the negative is the price also(it could be cheap crap), and the brand. Never heard of siemens being a quality computer brand. Nowadays theyre called fujitsi-siemens.

    any opinions?
    Id like to hear your thoughts
    you could mail me at sir_cakan@hotmail.com if you want to.(no spam or attached files plz!)

  5. FTEC is good so good that u must thro it away wen u wan to upgrade any body parts
    I’m using 1 but I recommend all u people to buy any type except FTEC

  6. Guys,

    I must agree with all of you that FTEC is so **** up not only the technology but also the services.

    If they are denying my warranty claim for the keyboard, I will not be in peace. Are you guys with me?

    Get ThinkPad with onsite extended warranty. No question asked. They will change the part.

  7. Until now its ok. I use very hard and core in contruction line.(Site). berdebu je. Tapi ok je. jatuh 2 kali,tapi tak tinggi. screen ok. dah hampir sethun, still tak ketinggalan. important, how we use. Remember, ini Laptop (note book), bukan buku 3 lima. Boleh main campak-campak. and almost do the maintenance(Normal) sacndisk,arrangment.

  8. im just bought w2 series sx62i securebook a few weeks ago (less than a month the cost about RM5500) But now i have a problem to this thing such as shut down automaticly and always try to enter the internet line. Even though with 1 GB Ram like 256MB Ram. Suddenly when im using cd, it was stop/hang. Sometime im feel give up nothingless to throw it out. Let w2 use their wings for fly. Cant u pls reply and advice me what happen to my l/top. RM5500 is to much. I didnt see this comment pages before, off cause i will change my plan to but fujitsu or sony.

  9. is taht really ftec notebook that soo..bad?..i already ordered one..its cost about RM3699..its 9321 Model..ayoo..so sad 🙁

  10. FTEC services are the stupid servicer in the world… i dah kena dah, beli ftec 2 hari je kong… hantar service tapi dorang kata virus sudah masuk buat 3 kali cleaning kena cas rm75 x 3… rupanya HDD kong, aku tukar HDD sendiri trus ok… rugi tahap babun pakai FTEC… jangan beli FTEC sbb FTEC tak pandai service cuma pandai jual jer…

  11. erk? mine is ftec.. its been a year aku guna laptop ni..what i can say is better then fujitshu n dell..mmg best..design n skrin pun perfect about rm 3899.. wide skrin..serius..membe aku pun puji beli gune ftec ni..compared ngn laptop die org brand dell or acer..but maybe korang ganas kot..tu pasal camtu.. my advice but direct to ftec dealer..dont buy at kedai2 komputer…ok 🙂

  12. hmmm… i’m using ftec too.. since 2002.. now.. it s still working normal.. cuma dah x cantik la.. so i bought a new one.. also ftec but widescreen.. ok juga… i think it s depend how the hand operating the system… presently at my home now.. got 3 ftec notebook.. but never having a prob like what i saw through this blog and comment.. so..? salah siapa yer..??

  13. the laptop isnt the problem i presume, but i am very sure that the online service does not meet any quality control requirement.

    i am a free lance pc servicer and i am unable to find the driver required for my clients FTEC’s book.

    both of my client and i was very dissapointed with the mentality that FTECs’ employees.

    continuing to support FTEC might be a very ambiguous consideration…

    poor hanny still having 3 laptops from FTEC.. sell it all and get a better one like HP compaq.

  14. i’ve been using f-tec for almost 2 years but nothing hav gone wrong. it actually depends on the user it self… virus ehh… it seem that u never update ur antivirus…. ha ha ha ha dun blame the appliance but blame the user…

  15. Well..My friend bought FTec i tink 2 years ago..Goin ok..Until last week started to show some problemo..
    Everytime the keyboard is punch, the laptop automatically shut down itself..Crazee…

    I’m currently using DeLL..So far it’s ok..Almost a year..

  16. haiii….
    im use ftec old brand.i just want know where can i find cd or driver of this notebook.please i need ur help

  17. i,m using ftec too. since 2006.I recommend all u people to buy any type except FTEC.
    ftec is MOTHERfucker pc brand in this world. 2days i used it,the MOTHERboard BROKEN!!!

  18. my prob is that it shuts down automatically. tengah best2 layan movie or something, suddenly it shuts down. potong betul lah. don’t tell me the way we handle laptop that f*cks up the thing. i handle my laptop with more than tlc man. the laptop itself memang dah f*ck up. bodoh.

  19. Hah…. If only i had come acroos this site earlier.
    Worse customer service you could ever find.
    They can actually reply u but when u write back,
    there is no such PERSON!! FTEC boleh I guess…

  20. # inn :
    April 19th, 2007 at 06:33

    my prob is that it shuts down automatically. tengah best2 layan movie or something, suddenly it shuts down. potong betul lah. don’t tell me the way we handle laptop that f*cks up the thing. i handle my laptop with more than tlc man. the laptop itself memang dah f*ck up. bodoh.

    neneq reply:
    check setting at power option properties,klu tk ley gak,,campak jer kat lombong

  21. i bought ftec rm2999 last 2 weeks, after 1 week i used it, then i cannot enter the window, when i tried to install new os, it hang.. then, i sent back to the shop and they said the HDD crashed. oh i wonder ho long can i sed thi notebook untill it make more problem.. haaa.. so dissapointed when i know so many doesnt recommend it.. hate it maaa

  22. yo bro..im also using the ftec W2 series-8260
    2 years.. but everthing is smooth, no major problem
    im using it everyday bro.. if you want to play games
    U should play it @ desktop not @ ur notebook
    o.k bro peace…

  23. yo bro..im also using the ftec W2 series-8260
    2 years.. but everthing is smooth, no major problem
    im using it everyday bro.. if you want to play games
    U should play it @ desktop not @ ur notebook
    o.k bro peace…

    ur so lucky..
    to many ppl complain about that laptop

  24. where can i find the driver for ftec motherboard.i format it recently without noticing the drivers i didnt have.pls help me out.

  25. i have the realy same experience with your friend,my screen become damm black n blank.exectly a second after i on the suck button,i though myb nopower coz its new.but after one day charge the power,n i on again,the bluddy laptop still having the same problem.i coz dirrect to ftec in pj,i ask them to give me a new set.i get my new set.and now u now u know what,,,,,,?,the suck laptop also having a problem.my baterry lock already broken,n the big issue is,they are tipu me,u know why?my harddisk is only 2 gb.fuck of them

  26. ftec suck. ask ur fren see if behind the stick got say made in malaysia anot. if got, peel it off, see if the original sticker says made in china anot. haha they just stick over it. should sue them.

    their fucking boss kenneth vun hailat ady with the SC. next they should go after his sister damn bitch was VP. Got makan anot oso dunno.

  27. hello all..i bought ftec notebook (W2 X3851) a few months ago. then last month, i noticed that i have to buy n convert windows office 2007 (trial version) to licensed version..huhuhu..then, i tried to install windows office 2007 on my own but failed. final resort, i changed win vista to xp (on my own…huhu..im only an english teacher.donno much about computer). the problem now is the webcam cannot be installed as i couldnt find the appropriate driver. been equiped with the installation CD driver (BisonCam) but still could NOT use it..can anyone help me with this prob?

  28. emmm…soo far i’m having no prob at all used ftec laptop…..just lately window vista prob and got their solution already..must be the old version of ftec laptop makes them i mean ftec improved more on their laptop brand..sooo many series now..soooo latest and expensive doesnt mean its good sooo think b4 buy but as my side ftec not bring any prob to me at all sum more mine more advance than other international laptop brand…btw i play pc game all the time with my aptop and no prob also …anyway thts my experiences as ftec laptop user 🙂 cheerrrss~~~

  29. to riz probably u hv to used other webcam device/driver tht suit with windows xp tht u used now.if i’m not mistake when u buy ftec laptop they include along the installation cd’s.try to open the cd’s folder u can see got 2 type installation..one for vista and other one for suit with ur window xp…

  30. i also got one FUCKTEC laptop and i got 6 port for USB,and u know what?all of them was screwed up now.. i cant use the usb not even one port! damn! i dunno what to do,if i want to resell it im sure there’s will be no buyers.. if send it to computer services im sure it will costs me.. and now,i just keep it and hope i’ll get new laptop later.. i wish to get IBM or HP laptop.. ACER also good one..

  31. can anybody tell me what laptop to buy in Malaysia? mainly for school use. taking science stream so its easier to handle things if i take my notebook to study instead of tons of books. i have a low budget. rm2000-rm2500. tell me i can find a laptop with core 2 duo, good, and reasonable laptop. email me !! thanx !! in need of reply A.S.A.P.


  32. i just bought ftec laptop at 1999myr at pc fair klcc around 2 weeks ago,when i check the laptop the widows not registerd yet and i dindnt find the microsoft original sticker to register,since i got the lucky draw from msoft so iv been thinking i might be real original,but i also cursed it as failuredtec.haha.then the next morning i comebck and ask the problem la,they solved it and i just be a realy stupid girl ask everything from a to z.since it does gav me 3years warranty i just want to use it as maximum as i can.i bought it bcoz they giv me lots of freegift and its cheap.if ii hav 4k im for sure not buying these unrecognized brand,just buy sony.im using it 24/day sometimes for download ofcourse.for ur information,since u r using malaysia product its realy sensitive,i tried to plug in the 80g external harddisc it it goes hanged,but when u off the xtrnal its ok again.and when i run gogle earth the screen goes blue,then ijust uninstall the program.it goes ok again.im not using it for game and varities so i think it ok for another 3years.even acer user will always go for formatting thier laptop.the brand does look sucks,i found the brand sticker getting peel out,but for rm1999 laptop with freegifts and 3years warranty,im not expecting too much,even i will going to thier opening branch at lowyat this 22dis07 to mumble about my nero.for me i never thrust this product,i bought it bcoz its cheap,i dont even know this ftec is a produck,i thought its kind of things like intell.but its my thing now,so i hav to take care of it

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