TM Net Streamyx Suck

Sometime, during surfing or doing work with TM Net Streamyx Broadband service, I will get the “Tempoarily out of resourse, please try again later.” message. I think it’s TM Net Streamyx Proxy server error message, I have collected this print screen stupid message from few people. Seriously, the 8 million rebranding company, they don’t even serious in business, employ good people, get better hardware, but asting 8 million for painting, printing, advertising and etc.

Please read the error message again “Tempoarily out of resourse, please try again later.”, you can’t see anything yet? Read again “Tempoarily out of resourse, please try again later.” … or again “Tempoarily out of resourse, please try again later.” .. then again.. “Tempoarily out of resourse, please try again later.”

Can you see that? Their staff don’t even know how to spell “Temporary” and “resource”. Tell you what my “Temper Really Out Of Resources”, I wrote this, is because TMNut piss me off again, I wrote the previous Mac post yesterday, when I publish, it show me “Tempoarily out of resourse, please try again later.”. So?? I got to type again.. Now I learn from the mistake, I type on Notepad! Then copy paste publish!

By the way, who the hell know what is tempoarily out of resourse? The proxy problem came up since 3 months ago, we called up and tell them, we want to talk to the technical support people, but the help line people always think they smart, and ask silly question.. “What browser you using?”, “Have you turn on cookie?”, “What modem your using?”, “Is your modem connected to the internet?”, end up, we are happily just hung up the phone, else it suck up our golden time.

56 responses to “TM Net Streamyx Suck”

  1. This happens very often recently. I thought it only happens in my area though, looks like i was wrong. For the screenshots… I wouldn’t bother, it’s all the same anyway. I have no idea isit a proxy server error message, whatever it is, it’s annoying =\

  2. Hello 2sens, I admit my english is not good, but I don’t suck people money monthly, provide bad server and running a 8 million rebranding company 😛

  3. I agree wif paul.
    I bet foreigner in Malaysia using streamyx really laugh it out loud if see that error msg.
    btw that message really decrease my excitement, productivity while surfing collecting resources.
    I believe it happen IF you are heavily use your connection e.g downloading.

  4. your ingrish is fine… but you’re right, who would have thought that filthy rich tmnutz can’t afford to run a spellcheck on that sentence… I get it rather often, at least 10 times a day… bah! So damn irritating… I’m even going to copy this entire comment JUST in case tmnutz goes tempoarily out of resourse.

  5. why bother on grammer , spelling or how u arrange it.dont woory on the subject matter , these services providers suckers need to be told to buck up. If they were in european countries , mesti dah lama tutup kedai.

    eh ? what happen to the meet’g with TM Net CEO last time ?

  6. the only way to correct the problem is with a strong, joint voice from users. like Jack says – if in Europe (or anywhere in the west) something such as this would not be tolerated. but why? because the electorate holds bodies – both government and corporate – accountable. we should do that more often and more vocally. and we need to be constructive and engaging as well.

    2sens – Paul’s right… this goes beyond language. the principle matter here is TMnet’s lackadaisical approach to its services and its non-accountability to its paying costumers/users.

    have a good day y’all – it’s good to be back home!

  7. I wish another ISP would take over TMNET, even foreigner, provide service that’s worth my money – RM66?= per month! Secondly, wish I didn’t sign agreement with TMNET, should had stuck with dial-up and no costly affair. Real suckers, got the cheek to offer broadband and all those false advertisments. They haven’t got the resources, but making the money by wish they expect to produce the desired service- at the expense of well wishers.

  8. Tmnet is a Dumbass…
    claiming 4 international lines …1 down.. and 1 is congested.. LIAR TMNET.. u have only 2/4 lines operational…

    thanks for your motto providing internet to the average malaysians.. now with your dumb infrastructure u spend million in drilling holes and cutting mountains where WIMAX solve all your problem…. have a vision… TMNET! dumbass

  9. yeah tmnutz suxx to da maxxx!!!! i hope there will be much of internet company in malaysia so that they struggle to provide the best service to customers. not like the ignorant streamyx.

    can you imagine, i always get slow download like 2.2 KB/s even i subcribed for 1 mb (which is still slow,compared to the negara dunia pertama).
    line putus-putus and sometimes there are no lines at all!.

    grrr….. streamyx suxxx

  10. Connection is bad in Kuching as well especially around housing areas. I subscribed to the 1MB connection but it’s sadly slower than dial up. I figured this is the only a problem with home ADSL subscriber. The copper phone lines are congested already. Direct SDSL subscriber like in the university is good. But then again why pay RM88 every month for home usage when it’s even worst than dial up connection?

  11. The tech installed Streamyx on my housemates computer on Thursdeay, there was some problems on Friday, on Saturday it stopped working. The tech came back on
    Monday and reinstalled it. Since then the connection has no end of problems.
    After 5 or 10 minutes his computer will spontaneously reboot or freeze uo and
    has to be retooted manually.

    Personally I am sticking with my Jaring dial up.

  12. In Ampang, just outside the KL boundaries.
    On Jaring I usually get 50.666 and sometimes 49.333.
    This is quite adequate for my needs, I never download anytihing
    and rarely ftp any file lager than 250k.
    And the connection is steady in contrast to my housemate’s streamyx
    which reboots his computer frequently, nb he has no problems when
    on Jaring.

  13. haha.. whats so funny about making mistakes right paul? typo error whatever.
    most of the time, the call center is just occupied by a bunch of makan gaji ppl like us.. like you.. like me. and what so funny about branding them as pretending smart etc, i do think so. and paul, about your problem with streamyx.. it do having up and down sometimes.. like me, im in kk sabah.. i encountered 2-3 bad days .. connection problem. and wtf, i though it was just occured around my area.. i travel 10km to the farest cybercafes.. guess what, the whole system down! and the good news is.. wait, its a bad news! 🙁

  14. Bro Verus, internet connectivity is very important to me as I am working online all the time.

    They are providing a service that customer pay $$ every month, must keep the customers happy. Downtime and network intermitten all the time. Repeat the same mistake they had made before.

    Furthermore, they have the attitude, “we monopolize the market, don’t want to use? Go for others providers”.

  15. i hate streamyx .. i had slow / frequent disconnect for almost 2 months now .. area puchong .. fuck i can;t play online game … waht for i pay monthly but getting service worse than dial up .. pissed off

  16. U know in first world country,they use internet all the time,use internet in communication,in houses security(less),in works………but the connection still works fine.Yes maybe we are not the modern country,but the streamyx just too slow compare to what it should be……

    My english is bad,sorry about that.

  17. Oooooi Mr. Paul…u know what paria means?? if u dont know dont use that word lah…. bcos many of my indian friends upset with that word… its a bad word… that used against someone with low caste….

    Streamyx dont talk lah…one of the lousiest network system in de world. I feel dial-up is far better….

    Last time Tm net called as TM nut… streamyx shd be called dreamyx bcos ppl there always dream and nobody cares to monitor the bandwidth nor know how to handle customer queries properly

  18. Respond to Malaysian’s post on the word ‘paria’ or more correctly “pariah’:

    Perhaps you yourself dont understand the origins and essential meaning of the word. so before you tell someone not to use it, please do some research as to the word’s meaning – which you haven’t exactly got it right. and dont use indians as an excuse.

    dont understand why your ‘indian’ friends unhappy. the word is not used against people of lower class, it is just a word used for anyone who is a social outcast. The caste system of India placed pariahs, also known as Untouchables, very low in society.

    The word has been ‘globalised’ in the sense that many cultures and languages use it to decribe one thing – bad.

    By the way, if you must know and catogerise, i’m of indian ethnicity and dont have a problem with the word.

    Anyway, the point to this whole thing for paul and everyone else it – TM Net are bloody pariahs cos they provide – low quality service.

  19. i also hated streamyx, have used it for about 3yrs, and till now it gets disconnected very often, it let u surf about 3min, then disconnect for about 3mins, it just goes on, and no matter how many complaint u file, DREAMYX technician will just come and do the bandwidth test (with all of us here know), then say, “hmm, it looks fine, see u have download rate of 800mbps, which is already fast”, or they will go to a website to view a video, and say “much more better than other ppl coz they can’t even view it”, and head home, i mean wat the hell is this?? thats not fixing any prob, so upon filing too many request, i know how to ask them to do their work, i would ask them to change a new port, and after changing to A11 port, problem still the same. and when u complaint again, they will say there is nothing that they can do, coz all they can do is changing port, so wat then? wats the purpose of complaining? so i am really upset with their services, paying RM88 per month on DREAMYX is like using dial-up, i can’t use skype voice conversation. worse still, on msn, the msg that u sent will not be received by the other party. so heh, we really do need a new broadband service, really hope that someone will offer a better service, which will then make TM eat shit, just like wat Air Asia did to MAS. way to go, Air Asia.!!!!!!!!

    p/s. there is one time i called up to double check on my router setting, and the customer service rep, who after a long troublesome verification and waiting for her to check on my account, told me that they dun support router settings, but heh, u shd have told me b4 checking on my account, so i really hated DREAMYX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! there is no way that its service is gonna improved. no way. coz they are just too lazy to focus on their services.

  20. Paul, d mission of all TheMNuts r 2 make lots of filthy RM w minimum resources 4 their owners.
    it’s like covering 10 tong sampah w 4 lids, making all average subscribers suckers.
    they definitely have very huge cable/s attached, other wise d mong-char-char won’t drag their feet approving 2dn or 3rd wired broadband isp.

  21. Hey you all. Can we report all this problem to Persatuan Pengguna. Maybe they can take action or whatever..We are ‘pengguna’ right. Or spread it out to op. party so they can bring it to DP, hehe.
    Sure they can kick some ass on crony,…if you understand what i meant.

  22. amen lo… aku pun tak tahu mau cakap apa lai lo… they macam itu cacing hisap ku punya duit gao gao oh… wo bo hiao gong lu oh…. ini bukan streamyx sudah… ia telah dijadikan barang yang tak guna dan menyusahkan diriku… OH TUHAN!!!!!… aku tak mahu screamyx seperti neraka di bumi kita… AMEN!!!

    Enjoy da slowest broadband on earth from TMNUT
    ScreamyX !!! USE UNTIL U WANA SCREAM~!

  23. To those who need a template when you write to TMNet (Tak Mau Net);
    Feel free to modify any of it as you wish!

    Hi there,

    To Whom This May Concern (as if);

    I had reported for Streamyx service disruption on Saturday 23-6-2007 (Report # bla bla bla – ADSL light is off & no connection) and until today, Thursday 5-7-2007, it has not been resolved yet. (to those who can’t count, today is the 13th day)

    First of all, your customers don’t expect to speak to people who can ONLY read checklists like those at your call centre (Stupid Robot can do that). And more, your “2 business days” promise doesn’t sound convincing at all (ie. No Class!). In today’s IT age, online businesses run 24/7, 365 days a year because the beauty of World Wide Web allows people from all over the world USE & live in it without any time boundaries. So your “2 business days” only sounds TOTAL incompetent, hopeless & fear of commitment to your own line of business (not to mention way sub-sub-par to other world ISPs).

    After the 12 nerves-wrecking days experience (yup it’s not over yet, still counting days), I think it is time for TMNet Management to think about hiring a consultant to revamp and change the mindset & attitude of TMNet working level as well as the Management so that you guys could understand better how excellent & world class service oriented company should function. I hope none of you guys are sleeping on the job, else how could you let this going on for 12 days (and counting..).

    Please also get your call centre managers (who don’t have to work on weekends to take care of NOT-so-important-customers like us) to do a demographic study to identify what kind of customers you guys are dealing with (ie. customers will not simply take any nonsense excuses from TMNet! We got brains & not simply signing up for service & donating our money for no good cause). TMNet should start to LEARN on how to be professional & take the responsibility to rectify the problem instead of blaming here & there on your internal procedures. (One of the lame excuses I’ve heard is TMNet could not contact the already assigned technician! Or “waiting” for technician to call back with status etc.)

    Now, I don’t need anymore of your lame apologies.. “Repair underway bla bla… we will try to reset here & there bla bla…” Already heard TONS of it for almost 2 weeks & still produce nothing (Malaysian way of being polite is no longer applicable & sensible in this REAL world, just shoot straight coz it mean you are honest & dead serious). Yes, I just need my Streamyx service back if you really care, or if TMNet is really genuine & COMPETENT service oriented company.

    Just try your “very” best to restore my Streamyx service (we will see whether your “very” best is 30 days or more, talk about another new entry in the making for Malaysia Book’s of Records). I’m not sure whether Maxis & other ISPs would love to hear this kind of tale, but let’s not forget the rest of the public too need to know & compare the services. Unless it is already embedded in public mind that TMNet is just another pathetic local champ “jaguh kampung” (which is clearly not heading anywhere in this decade/century), then I feel sorry for most of my fellow Malaysian users.

    To TMNet billing department; would very much appreciate if you could adjust the billing for this account accordingly. (If you still don’t get it; please deduct the portion of un-rendered service due to your “EXCELLENT & IMPECCABLE” Streamyx service). Please not to “unashamedly” bill me for that portion. Currently the un-rendered service is 13 days & counting.


    Mr. MAU NET (as opposed to TM Net = TAK MAU NET)

    Ps – Don’t bother calling me after this (NOBODY even tried to call me to update on the situation for the past 12 days (& counting), it was ME who keep calling the NON-VALUE added customer service everyday, for update(s) thus far). Just bring back my Streamyx service to normal, that’s all.

    PPs – I think it is wise if you guys don’t UNDERESTIMATE your customer. You never know what he/she is capable of (Not to mention, an irate customer). Like you said “We are not just NUMBERS!”. So WALK THE TALK, if you care.

  24. […] Paul Ooi in his post in 2005 has experienced with Streamyx Customer Service to do this and this. They still using the same ‘text script’ until now and nothing has changed. […]

    Feedback on Malaysia broadband standard sent in October 2007.

    Internet services provided by Telekom Malaysia has been down for the past week or so, different time in different area.

    There are few problems I could see Malaysians are facing in relation to internet access. It is my honour if I could get your attention sharing the plights we are facing.

    When expectations failed, customers should be given choices to uptake other services felt suitable, unfortunately we are to do so in current Malaysia situation.

    Many customers signed up for attractive Streamyx plans offered by Telekom Malaysia which tied them up for the next 12 months, 24 months or so. While both sides have their commitment to honour the contract until its expiry, the plans were taken up in view of excellent services assured.
    Multiple downtimes every year is not an expectation we can be contented with.

    This is as if one purchases a two-year voucher for a restaurant food. But if they start serving rot food, do we have to consume it for the rest of the year?

    With Malaysia’s aim to be an IT hub, it is wise to compare us with international
    standard of countries, where the Information Services are well ahead of others. Take OECD countries for example:

    1) Their termination rates are low and even able to terminate current contracts with low penalty.
    Malaysia: We are fully tied to the long-term contracts with no option to terminate even with reasonable penalty.

    2) It encourages competition by forcing Local Loop Unbundling (LLU) to lower prices and improve services.
    (LLU :- will we split Telekom into three separate operating companies, including wholesaling the internet infrastructure to its competitors?)
    Malaysia: It is obvious Telekom’s been given the advantage ahead of others, has in a monopolistic position and its arm’s owned the back bone of Malaysia’s broadband access infrastructure. Oher providers can only operate in certain area and region.

    3) Most OECD have continuous improvement of services throughout year on year basis. Many OECD countries are offering broadband bandwidth of over 30 Mbps.
    Malaysia: The top two most popular broadband plans – 0.5Mbps and 1Mbps bandwidth have been in operation for more than more than 7 years?
    (Even Thailand and Singapore way surpassed Malaysia at least 10Mbps for years).

    Malaysia has only started planning to build infrastructure capable of up to 100Mbps.
    With it, why is Malaysia able to commit it will support 10% of its capability?

    4) Most OECD countries aiming for above 90% household broadband uptake by lowering prices and building infrastructure for rural areas
    Malaysia : In our mission to be an IT hub, why did Telecommunication Minister allow lowering the target from 75% to 50%, just to have a sense of accomplishment? Why Malaysia underinvested?
    Are we allowing ourselves to widen the gap with countries that are on IT forefronts? When will we be able to cater high speed internet ALL Malaysians?

  26. Don’t only blame tmnet or the center.. have u check ur computer? is it working properly? how bout e hrdware? any viruses in ur pc? downloading all the porns? did u still keep cookies? have u done all the trouble shooting required? Staff at the center give all the trouble shooting to help their customers. But, SOMETIMEs, customer never give coorperation to solve their own prob.. Always want the technician come and check, come n check.. sometimes customers never realize that prob actually come from their place… if error msg starting frm 7.. please don’t shout 2 e staff. it’s totally from ur side.. if it start from 6.. yes, it is because of the network. Juz saying the truth..

  27. Yeah they unmistakablely S U C K !Because when i even become they customer(in disember when its PROMOTION) i had to apply 3 times to get the fixed line come in about 1 a half month :), when i came at their point they said line penuh 🙂 but after the have installed i ask the contractor why so long have to wait ,he said i search around your kampung for “kotak” kuang kuang -my beard start to grow long already ? Then apply for streamyx using inside people in TM for faster the prosedure but its also hopeless …cannot get the promo price:)…then after streamyx came:D the modem “buat hal lak pulak” and kabel “not so fresh they say” they technician ask for RM50 :)-bribe? i just give , i had no option..:) because their is no waranty card – i been trick:) now using streamyx with sometime reboot automaticly:) cannot download my favourite online game Ragnarok because of the reboot:) NO! I already check my PC its all OK and its new using :P35 Neo motherboard,4giga ram,Core Quadc6600,160 giga hard disk, no virus detected (Bit defender2008),Grafic card 8600 Galaxsy, and all new but WHY ????

    Their is 6 times my sorrow time sooo. THEY SUCK! SUCK !! SUCK!!! SUCK!!!!SUCK!!!!!SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!damn

  28. At last i can go online but there is always a problem they throttle the p2p download ,my pc always unstable(blue screen) and shut unespectaly that why they suck…when some ONE gonna take over TM(other company) maybe 2020…nob

  29. Hey, you guy know what? when recently I dial 1300 888 123 (Streamyx Hotline) for a complaint regarding line not stable problem. There is nobody answering my call, Ending up answering machine told me their technical guy is working on it. And it last for 3 days until now, dun know when it can be settle. . . Streamyx really SUCK.

  30. Streamyx totally suck. I dont know how they handle the internet. Look at singapore, no problem at all, and my brother said it got free access to internet via wireless also. WOW..FREE! In much but bad service…I really hope someone open another internet service provider againts streamyx. iT really suck in sabah!!! TM People, ask your boss dont just make money, plz improve it. We will respect you and like malaysia more if you can do it!

  31. memang streamyx is slowest broadband of all time..hahaha…streamy sucx. even celcom 3g lagi ok dari streamyx. Subscribe to the slowest broadband !!! it takes 10 minutes to load this page.what a ‘good’ service they had here !!

  32. Anyone experienced dc every 5 seconds? Well, i do almost everyday. y the others get a smooth line while i get the worst line? I pay more than then (1 mbps) and i get the worst service. wtf is this world? if u (tmnutz) really wan more money go rob bank or whatsoever la dont rob us in a legal way. If u cant do it, let others do la. Dont monopoly our country broadband u asshole motherless fuckers.

  33. The whole point is that we are paying for something they promised but not delivered and that we have no choice but to comply even if they do the crime due to some monkeys (u know who) protecting their precious investment from competition.

    Our fault or not, one thing clear is that they clearly broken every single code of ethic which is to provide the customers with what they truly deserve. They give empty promises and never try (or even farted for that matter) to upgrade their already corroded facilities. Yet they still have the nerve to say they are the best to offer.

    Try imagining this, CEO and the monkeys of the company sitting down in their thousand ringgit chair enjoying their luxury life (and good internet service for that matter) all paid using OUR money for services meant for US and not for THEM. They are laughing at us, folks!

    Another thing is unless we do something to resolve this matter soon, there is a high possibility it will reach a point of no return where they stop caring for customer’s dilemma all together and continue to con unsuspecting citizens. They can do it because we are all BARK BUT NO BITE. Protected by the monkeys of the nation, they don’t care even if the whole subscribers complain because u know, it’s all just noise and no action.

    This is truly outrageous and as a Malaysian, I do not wish to see our country continue to erode to the point where I am too embarrass to even utter where I was from to the outsiders. Even now I bet, they stop comparing our technology with Singapore but to Zimbabwe.

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