The objective of STPM is to pass people?

Edited on 7th Oct 2008: Some reader has reading problem, so I have to put on the disclaimer.

The article below was extracted from a forwarded email, below content is not represent my view, stand point or what so ever.

After reading twinmum wrote about the education system in our country. I read about this from a forwarded email.

How do you explain the fact that 87% of the students passed the examinations of the Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia (STPM) recently? When during your grandfather’s time only 10% would have passed? Are students getting smarter? Or are STPM questions getting easier? Let me put things in their proper perspective.

During your grandfather’s time, they would ask exam questions like:
In what year did Parameswara founded the kingdomof Melaka?

The correct answer was “1402”, and they found that only 10% of the students managed to answer the question correctly. This didn’t go down too well with the authorities, because the objective of the exams was to
pass people.

I mean, what’s the point of having exams if people fail?

So later, they found another way to ask the same question:
Parameswara founded the kingdom of Melaka in the year:
(a) 2001
(b) 2004
(c) 1986
(d) 1975
(e) 1402
Tick the correct answer.

The results were better in that 20% of the students passed. But it was still not good enough, so the authorities tried a different tactic a few years later.

Parameswara founded the kingdom of Melaka in the year1402.
true or false?

Well, half of the students guessed “True” and the other half guessed “False”. Fully 50% passed. The results were getting pretty acceptable by now.

Most other countries would be satisfied with a 50% passing rate, but not us. We are a better country, because we are a boleh country the authorities then cracked their heads and then came out with this one:

Read the following sentence carefully.
“Parameswara, the cousin of Proton-Iswara, founded the kingdom of Melaka in the year 1402”.
Underline the name of the person who founded Melaka.

60% underlined “Parameswara”, 30% underlined “Proton-Iswara” and 10% underlined “1402”. Hooiyoh……60% managed to pass! So krever!

But for some reason, the authorities were still not contented. So last year, they came out with this gem:

One day in the year 1402, Parameswara founded the kingdom of Melaka. Then he went home to have dinner. What did he eat? 13% handed in blank answers, 57% wrote “Maggi Mee”, and 10% wrote “Kentucky Fried Chicken”, and 20% wrote “Tree bark”.

The official answer was “Food” of course!

After the marking was over, it was found that 87% of the students had passed. 87%….. now that’s pretty impressive! So it’s true. The students are indeed getting smarter.

Is it true? I hope it’s not. I took my SPM in year 2000, pathetically I failed 5 subjects out of 9;

Add Math
Bahasa Malaysia

When I obtain the result, my dad didn’t ask about my SPM result, normaly family will ngi ngam ngam and scold their kid How dare you come home! My dad asked “So? Study computer next?”, then I said “No, I am interested doing direct sales now, let me gain 1 year experience I will further my study”
(direct sale really not for me, please don’t convince me to join elken, cosway, amway, noway or lamp “burger”, because I really suck on sale product I am not interested, not I want to work in MLM, but dad was in bankcruptcy during that time, that was the easy way out to get a “job”)

I told my dad I am not interested what I was studying in secondary school, I have informed him to be prepared see me fail all SPM subjects, haha :). To be honest, I enjoy my time when i was in Form 4 & Form 5, it was the greatest honeymoon years. I start web designing + computing while I was in Form3, and into music band with friend. The only stuff I am interested is computing. So F4 and F5 is enjoying…

Until I went to college, THAT IS WHATI WANT! Programming… I doing quiet well in college, even got a scholarship from Deakin University, Aus(I can’t go there, can’t afford the expenses there :()

Well, I think Malaysia Education is not that bad, but seriouly, depend on parent. If your children doesn’t like what they want, don’t force them. Some of my friend, force by their parent to study computer science/computing, which the field they doesn’t like. How to force them to do programming if they don’t like(my friend is talented in design!) How are they going to work in the future, which they don’t like what they are doing???

For me, I think parent play an important role, not the school or teacher. Beside that, while student study in college, that is the best time to LEARN and do more research. Create your porfolio during your college/uni life, this will build a good path for your career after graduated. Trust me 🙂 It truly helps.

57 responses to “The objective of STPM is to pass people?”

  1. regarding to your SPM, i think it’s quite true, the passing rate is actually determined by them. is the matter of adjusting the grade.. so what’s the point of having the SPM exam ? is just to show ppl tht malaysian getting more and more clever each year ??
    last time, ppl who manage to get full A’s are those who really really GOOD in studies.. look now?.. full A’s are everywehre !~!! may be they’re really good in studies.. may b not who knows??

  2. maybe its truth tat was how they achieve high passed rate ahh…Now ahh..1 signboard drop can fall on hundred U graduated lor..

    previously use brain to pass exam now use guess oso can pass exam (aiyoo..I gonna hentam by ppl liao..:p)

  3. Issit? Din know about that, I just read is from somewhere.. forwarded email.. 🙂 your friend wrote it? cool..

  4. it is unfair to say that i have not worked hard to be where i am.
    i studied 14 hours per day (last minute work lar) towards the ending 2 months.
    my effort didn’t really pay off but am happy wif my results hehe…

    if u don’t mind, i plan to write an article concerning this topic too 🙂

  5. 1st comment: the history questions in the passage suck (sorry for using that word =p)
    2nd comment: in the passage the writer wrote:what’s the point of having exams if people fail?haha..stupiest question..then let me ask u:what’s the point of having exams if all people pass?? if in stpm there’s only pass n fail..there r different grades man!!
    3rd comment: to the writer..dun think stpm students r dat stupid!u r insulting stpm students intelligence by giving that stupid example of history questions..

  6. Hi….yy asked me to read this article..
    I wouldn’t fully agree wat is mentioned in your article..
    May be for SPM level, the exam is held just to pass the students..I am saying this because a very weak student who scored less than 10 marks in her trial for add maths can pass in SPM!!!Really a miracle!!!!On the other hand, it seems like the number of candidate with straight As nowadays keep on increasing…Not only the top students can get full As, nowadays, most of the students who drop in the upper average class also will have the chances to get straight As….It’s so common to get straight As in SPM…..BUT…..Getting straight As in SPM doesn’t secure u to get another straight As in STPM!!!!STPM is diifferent….When u want to compare 2 students with 10 As in SPM, one of the ways is to see how well they perform in their STPM….

    I wouldn’t deny that the standard of STPM is also dropping, but i m quite sure that MPM(an individual organisation which control STPM) is still mantaining the standard of STPM….Some say STPM is even harder than A levels!!!! The syllabus is so wide, the exam questions are so tricky…U really have to work hard to get a good result….Further more, the result shows the grade for every paper…For example, getting an A in paper 1, and A- in both paper 2 and 3,will cause u to get a B+ in overall…It’s not easy to get an A!! I salute those who score As in every paper….

    Finally, the most important point coming in…The title of the article is ‘the objective of STPM is to pass people?’….Try to think logically, why form 6 n STPM exist in out country?? Form 6 is actually one of the Malaysian style ‘Pre-U’ course(another one is Matriculation which open to 10% of non bumi)…To enter a public uni in our country, we have to complete either one of the Pre-U courses…The uni will select students depending on their results…Listen, it’s not just to pass STPM and u r qualified for the courses u applied for…U have to compete with the others who holding CGPA same or higher than u….It may be possible for one who get all pass in STPM but can’t even get a place in uni….

    Last year, there were 700 hundred over people get CGPA 4.0 in STPM..But this year only 300 hundred over candidates who get 4.0…It nearly reduce by 50%….

    MPM controls the percentage of pass in every subject….The statistic shown in newspaper every year doesn’t show how clever or how stupid the students are… The result depends on the ‘stupidity graph’ of all the candidates of the year…The weaker are the students, the lower the passing mark so that the percentage of pass will not fluctuate..This is just to make the statistic ‘nicer’….It wont affect the intake of each uni, as they always choose the best, not those who just pass the exam……

    Hope u’ll agree…..

  7. i really dunno why sumtimes msian can be so dumb, there are actually people tat saying tis article is cool .Definite insult to all STPM student , if the writer is a former stpm student , he/she should be feeeling ashame for giving such immature comment .If he/she neer study in Form 6, shut the hell up please, k thanks bye

  8. dont delete my previous post if u respect the basic human right to speak out their opinion ,( but delete tis post)

  9. i think this article’s ridiculous, in short, inmature! every exams are meant to pass students, all and all it depends on how much effort exam candidates put on and what they think about EDUCATION.. dont tell me you expect to pass your examination while you’re fooling around and not playing your role as student in school.. you were spending your school years doing useless things!! examiners never fail their candidates purposely unless the candidate’s hopeless… never stick on one side.. college doesn’t mean the best choice, unless you’re being kicked out by the local university… if you want to stay in Malaysia for the rest of your life, go for the government education, be realistic!! open your eyes and compare… “there’s owes the other side” STPM is not as horrible as people think, those who dares to complete form six will never regret, six form is fun if you work hard!

  10. All the best Jengj, I never study Form6 and I don’t understand what is the “quality” of the exam.

    It’s just a forwarded article. Don’t bother about it, just work hard on yourself and fuck the lamer who wrote it 😛

  11. everyear …right after the release of spm or stpm results…we can SURELY see (u wanna bet wif me??) the students who r getting straight “A” is increasing….so wat does it mean?? man..i feel really ashamed, when i said i am from THE MAlaysian’s eduactional SYSTEM… now… wat would u feel, if foreigners look into our exam marking system, as they tot we r very sucessfull, because spm or/and stpm produces more n more krever ppl ma….. actually it produces more “fan sue”=potato ar… intead of krever ppl..

  12. Oi kawan, not all are potatoes la.. depend one. Why every year increase? Hahaha.. simple only maa… the marking scheme is base on xxx % of xxx, sometime 90 also can A la 😛

  13. Hey! STPM is not meant to let people get satisfactory passs!
    I can tell you so cause U had just finished my last STPM paper. I regretted I had not studied enough but hey, given such a short time and a wide syllabus to cover, who dares to admit that he or she is guaranteed As even before the papers are sat? STPM is definetely not SPM.. U can actually count how many As you’ll get after SPM , but not STPM. I hope that I can pass my STPM but knowing that my answers are all out, I doubt whether LAdy Luck will shine on me. Nevertheless, to those SPM school leavers who think that they have strong self-discipline, i welcome you to the Form Six level. You will learn a lot from it!

  14. i just finished my form 6 and i can tell u it’s not a walk in the park. my teacher told me form 6 is totally different from spm and i believe her. getting straight A’s in ur spm doesn’t mean a thing when u are in form 6. i scored straight A’s in spm and when i was in form 6, the amount of workload given is different altogether. i had never in my life did so many maths and chemistry questions and i have never read so much on biology. for those doing form 6, i’m sure u noe wht i mean. so please stop belittling those who are doing their form 6 education. try it for urself b4 coming out with a stupid article like the one above.

  15. Hey man…….tat was an insult to all stpm studentz…plz thnk 1st b4 u write such an article…..plz readerz do not be stupid enough to read tat comparision of stpm studentz nowadayz as mentioned above….there is x such thing as true/false….i scored 8A’s in my spm….preety easily though….bt stpm was way tough..the m3 paper2 for example ws neva easy…common la man….plz fikir2 la…don make a fool out of us..i’m hurt to de core with tat article laa

  16. Dear fellows STPM’s student, please read carefully, the article wasn’t written by me or myself.

    I just want to find out the truth, I have mentioned I didn’t did well in SPM and didn’t take STPM neither.

    Anyways, I really thank for you all dropping by and shout out something from the bottom of your heart. And you guys(STPM students) rocks, explain well..

    But please, if you want to comment, please say, “The Writer”, but not me.

  17. if i get 4 credits…for my spm……..
    MATH -C
    SAINS -C

    and other just pass like Bm,perdagangan and ekonomi and no credits…. can i take May paper that i dint get credit…..and also add one new subjek..?
    Please help me?

  18. How can u give comment like dis when u urself never enter Form 6 and sit for the STPM exam….
    The objective of STPM is not 2 pass student but 2 produce quality student…the percentage of student pass means that the standard of STPM is high & 4 ur information it is recognized by foreign university worldwide so fuck off rich boy go bak 2 ur fuckin money leecher college study……STPM is not for rich boy like u 2 judge it’s standard

  19. Hi Form6 student, I am shame of your replied, you never read properly that was a forwarded email, it’s quoted.

    Not I commented. Please read before you comment, thanks.

  20. ahyoo… why so stress one?

    form six students… y u wasting your time commenting when u actually have to be studying since STPM is so bloody hard? 🙂

    jokes aside, i did my STPM in 1993/94 and yes, it is a very difficult exam to pass – let alone do very well in. however, my STPM was comparitively easier than those many, many years ago, judging on past-year papers,etc. so if you compare papers now you may find that as the years pass, the exams become slightly easier – but not that much lah…

    as for the FORWARDED article paul posted, if the writer siad this about SPM then it would be very true. unfortunately she/he used STPM so, not very accurate.

    as for HIGH SCHOOLIAN’s comments;
    i think u dont need to make unfounded accusations against Paul. he’s by far not a rich kid living off his dad’s wealth. He has had to work very, very hard to be where he is and he is definitely very successful especially for his age.

    so HIGH SCHOOLIAN – chill out. if u’r still not happy and continue to be more verbally abusive on this blog, i’ll come whoop your skinny little 18-year old ass, you little punk! got it?

  21. I am not agreed with your opinions..Frankly,studying STPM is just like hell…you know?you will have a lot of unfinished homeworks even though you have spent about 3-4 hours a day in studying…plus you still need some more time for your revisions then you have to spend another 3-4 hours especially for the science stream students who take Biology…then you have to use about 6 hours a day in studying…With these unbearable hard efforts,you are still not guaranteed to get A in your STPM.see?If you are not agreed with me,then you just try to study STPM science will know what’s the taste of HELL!!

  22. STPM is just a stepping stone…
    nothing more

    good result does not reflect on your diligence
    bad result does not mean u r lazy or stupid.

    its just unfortunate we have a stupid education system in malaysia. stupid education ministry and stupid education minister. full stop.

  23. hey im still a spm student…gona sit for my exam next week…i reli need some advice from u guys…cuz im really struggling…my future is so uncertain and i need….reli hope u guys can contribute some of it..i reli appreciate!!!!!

    Everyone is saying and telling me how hard is Stpm…but…so far i went through the BIology paper for STPM and find it quite intereting but couldnt understand it..haha..anyway,should i proceed to form6 or other programme and get on with the so called-easy-better-life-than-STPM-??? so i really dunno..but i will try all of my best to score everytin in my SPM!!!! haha…

  24. after reading this article, i feel that the STPM is hard de lo….i am a SPM sitter for this year and i really dunno what i am going to study after the annoucement of the result..

    i would like to take the food science and diet ,but in reality my bio and chemisry’s result were not reallly that good….i hope to study it at UCSI INTI or TAYLOR but my family is not that rich to support my studies in private college or university….then i changed my mind maybe i will take the STPM ,but after reading this article , i felt scare again……if i cant did well in the STPM and am i supposed to do o….

    anyone can give me some advice or gudiance….pls
    my email
    thank for those who read and give me the advice may god bless u

  25. do you guys know where can i find a from 6 school i leave near subang jaya so i really want a school near the area i mentioned proto ASAP and a little advise on my first day like what should i worry most or what should i do on that day

  26. do you guys know where can i find a from 6 school i leave near subang jaya so i really want a school near the area i mentioned proto ASAP and a little advise on my first day like what should i worry most or what should i do on that day tell me at 80240125

  27. Owh, I’m currently a STPM student now. For a wide scope of syllabus and a short period of time to accomplish? I believe most of the teachers will launch their rockets on chemistry, mathematics and physic as I know. The never ending homework and the most important is there’s inadequate time to do revision on those subjects. Self discipline and time management is really the key. Those who succeed in STPM is not considered as diligent? then what? For those who failed their stpm because they couldn’t discipline themself and reconsider their priority at all. Strive is not enough! You need to strife in whatever you do. Peace out~

  28. I strongly feel that although the passing rates has gone higher, but the was you reconstructed the questions are a big insult to those sitting for the STPM exam. The questions are definitely NOTHING close to what you have implied ! Have you gone through the syllables lately?? as far as i’m concern , STPM is among the toughest examination GLOBALLY ! Especially for those who didn’t perform too well in their SPM , i feel that they are in no postition to comment about the STPM standards !

  29. Haiz..STPM is so freaking tough..i got 5A’s n 5B’s for spm..after that i took stpm in tar..still in tar now..i played around until now..which is two months before stpm n im so stressed there any way i can pass if im going to start now..wat is the passing marks for teachers say its it that high!!!

  30. hey hi there,
    I came across your blog when I was sufting something about STPM. Can you please tell me where you found that article that enclosed in your posting? Because I felt insulted after I read that passage. I won’t deny that the standard of STPM is actually lowering but it doesn’t mean it is easy to get over it. I personally is a STPM student, and do you realise how much pressure you can get during this period of 1.5 years time? Being one of the hardest exam in this world [I’m not sure about this statement but everybody is saying so.], I believe STPM isn’t something that worst….

  31. The ‘eloquent’ replies above not withstanding, some do make pretty good points. I’m currently taking STPM (Seafield USJ2, Class of ’08) and it’s certainly not easy. At all. And the thing is, everyone will tell you it’s not easy. So you go into it knowing it’s not easy. The problem is, you don’t realize just HOW HARD it is until you’re there. And mind you, I’m only in L6.

    I can tell you this though.. I’ve compared my syllabus with the other Pre-U courses… and well, if I survive STPM, then I’ll probably survive pretty much anything.

    Good luck to all!

  32. To score in STPM, especially chemistry..
    u need to be very good in memorising all the important facts, keep recalling the facts.
    As the others said, time management is important, also must understand the concepts then memorise them. U may do your own mind maps. Also, do a lot of exercises. Lastly, pray to the god. I am sure u all can pass with flying colours!

  33. it is a shame to read this article,in STPM,we don’t really talk about how many A’s u get like in SPM but we actually ask do you that will give u a better understanding of STPM..sometime u study so hard but only manage to get B.”A” in STPM is like winning a lottery,it does not happen often and u have to work hard even to pass.not like SPM 10-20 already pass..Cheers…..

  34. oh god…..juz finished the scary trail exam….i got 2.75 onli out of 4….

    i m a physics student…kedah

    here hoping to hav a change of trail exam paper wif u all here….

    yup i agree with yeap ly ….time managament in important….coz i think all of us wil juz say””””no time””””.but we can stil find out a time for ua to hav fun …..this should not b happened in form 6 now….juz finding time to play but not for study….

    erm by the way…b4 this when i entered form 6…i hav been chosen to b the preident of my school’s pre-u society…in sudden..>>>>>
    juz a suddeen..n then everyone was asking me to go out a hav a short speech b4 those form6 studnets>>…n u know what told them?

    i said “””everyone knows that spm is difficult…but then i don think it is that difficult as they all said …so same as form 6 now….even we can stil hear stpm is difficult but is juz like that simple as spm…..””i mean aas we heard b4 in form 5

    but now i cant say this anymore…coz it is really extremely very hard….

    form6 books….no matter how thick there r.we all should let them in our mind within these two yuear…oops…nope…only within these one n half years…

  35. i’m quite surprised with all the comments actually..haha…however…to those form fives this yr, STPM is hard…even as i scored 10As for SPM. I’m struggling to cope too. But same to A levels and matriculation. I hv friends who study A levels said that they are in same conditions too. Jus dat we studied a little more for Biology, for those planning to take Bio in STPM, u will get to know later on ^^. In a nutshell, just study hard no matter where you go. Pre-U is totally different from SPM. As wat Yeap L Y said…time management is VERY important. Another important factor is self-dicipline. Study when ur suppose to study and don’t play too often, but do take a break sometimes to relax. Even in other PreU programmes. No worries! For those who are thinking wat to choose after spm, jus to tell you dat STPM is not scary. If you can juggle between ur studies and ur daily activities, im sure u can do quite well and hv fun at d same time. (I’m havin fun too along with my other friends! =D). Well, anything u wanna ask u can ask thru my add: (pls put the title ‘form six ques’ if not i will jus delete =P). last but not least, good luck to all spm and stpm candidates! ganbate!

    -lower sixth student in SMK Seafield-

  36. For the STPM Students who says that A level is easier and what-so-ever. Please refer to the various A levels syllabi worldwide, especially the Singapore-Cambridge GCE A level syllabus( . It is not only the STPM students—- you, are the ONLY people going through HELL. The other pre-university students such as those taking the A levels are also going through the same as what you do. Learn to open your eyes and look on the other side. Don’t be like a frog in the well only understanding your situation and complaining about how tough your own STPM examination can be. Also by referring to the other PRe-university past year questions is not an accurate and substantiable way of determining their level of difficulty as compared to the STPM questions. Until you tried the other Pre-University curriculum, could you only give your own judgement. No one is in any position to determine the standards of other pre-university programme because you dont have the capacity to do so. Also if STPM– being the “2nd toughest” in the world would produce such quality students, why is the Malaysian University Ranking at so low in the Univeristy Ranking status. Would’nt UM, USM or UTM be ranking below Harvard by one position ? So please be mature, by arguing about how tough and wide your syllabus is compared to others and demoralising other pre-university students is being childish.

  37. to Mathewdung,

    you’re the 1 who is immature and childish, malaysia university isn’t ranked that high cuz got malays dumbasses who didn’t take stpm, simple?

    to paulooi, don’t delete this post if u respect the basic human right to speak out the truth

  38. There’s no point arguing which is the harder exam,A-levels or STPM.To put it simple,STPM cyllabus DO cover more than A-level,but those with good memories can answer easily,as the STPM’s question is straightforward.For A-levels,the exam is more to application,and normal people(those who REALLY learn,not the ones who spent more time dating and having fun)shouldn’t find it hard to answer.A simple example:STPM-Explain the effect of cocaine in nervous system.(Students are required to give a long and detailed answer that will even qualify to be published on a text book!!)A-levels-A person who is effected by drugs is found to be having a drug effecting his limbic system.Determine whether it is cocaine or kurare.(Student will have to choose an answer and give the reason.)The conclusion is,STPM is direct but cover more and suits those who prefer to eat the book,while A-level is a better choice for those who have a mind for twisting and reasoning.I dont know much about matrics so i’m not gonna comment on it….Oh and Mathew Dung,i may be a A-levels graduate,but i DO hold A LOT of respect for STPM students.. yeah passing rate is high but so does all the exam in the world…You have to see how many actually SCORE high…Oh and their condition is tougher than us,as we have more freedom in colleges to roam around and have fun with lots of friends,while they have to stay back in a school(Ugh…main reason i din take STPM) and go straight back home to study and study and study…BTW,host…ur example for the Sejarah is rather an insult to us question makers…not even UPSR does what u wrote up there..

  39. Whoa that is such a stu**d example for the History exam!!!Dont insult ourself(students) like dat with such examples!!I remember primary school is harder then THAT!!I like the biology one,though.STPM is to pass people?Which exam(in Malaysia) is not like that?My college’s worst!!You can BUY a pass for urself!!(My college is a reputational college somewhere in the Klang Valley,near 1-utama..cant say more though…)Important thing is to get GOOD results no matter what we’re taking!!(BTW,i’m in a foundation program for Bio-tech)Just make sure what you’re doing will lead you to what you want…or its a waste even if you’re having the best pre-u program in the whole world.Salute to my own fren in F6 and other F6 students though,for daring to go that hell of homeworks and readings and,most importantly,SCHOOL(again)!!!!

  40. “Parameswara, the cousin of Proton-Iswara, founded the kingdom of Melaka in the year 1402″.
    Underline the name of the person who founded Melaka. <— hahahahahaha

    Well, I think Malaysia Education is not that bad, but seriouly, depend on parent. If your children doesn’t like what they want, don’t force them. Some of my friend, force by their parent to study computer science/computing, which the field they doesn’t like. How to force them to do programming if they don’t like(my friend is talented in design!) How are them going to work in the future, which they don’t like what they are doing??? <— I couldn’t agree more. Well if you’re a big fan of science, you’d probably say education starts way before parents give birth to a child and the first 10 years is the most significant period of learning. This crucial period unleashes the potential in your child. This is evident later when their children are being skipped ahead many times in school in almost all cases held by world-known universities. Even the Jesuits say, “Give me the child until he is seven and I care not who has him thereafter.” So my advice to parents is, melentur buluh biarlah dari rebungnya. Berhempas-pulaslah demi mendidik anak-anak untuk menjadi golongan yang berilmu & bermoral demi mengelak budaya mat rempit atau cintakan dadah daripada meruntuhkan institusi kekeluargaan. My tips – 1,2,3 yrs old : Homeschooling of basic reading, writing thru music & put them thru CMA school by the age of 3. CMA is the mental arithmetic thing one- calculate mathematical problem using the chinese/japs calculator one lorr!!!

  41. if u haven go through the STPM, please dont bullshit around here, compare STPM to SPM, SPM is only just like a baby……………….

  42. The topic is not focused onto whether STPM is difficult than SPM but is more focused onto the standards of STPM in the past and the present. Being an STPM student, can’t you distinguish the topic sentence ?
    We are discussing the QUALITY of STPM graduates produce currently as compared to previous years. Quality is indeed a disappoinment judging from STPM graduates performance.

  43. people……before u shot the owner of the blog,
    please take a look to the article again,
    “After reading twinmum wrote about the education system in our country. I read about this from some where”
    he just forwarded the article here….he is not the writer!!
    about the topic.i think most of the form 6 student will definitely feel bad after reading the article,
    i got many friends tat r studying form6,they all r forcing me to choice other course beside of form 6,
    as their words,form 6 is hell n terminator for student like me(lazy) !!!
    i think maybe the writer-self din do form 6 before,so he/she cant feel the tension of it,
    n for me,after completed my SPM, impossible i will go for form 6,
    i am a lazy-person,i think the form6 study method din match me,
    no matter from mentally or physically views,
    will b doing my diploma soon.
    p.s…stop shotting the poster ~~~he is damn pitiful!!

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