Today, we manage to organize Malaysia PHP User Group inaugural meeting, suprice to see the people are there to discuss about open source, PHP programming and giving idea on how to keep Malaysia PHP User Group growth and helping others on PHP web development. Ditesh is the person who gave us a lot tips and tricks on PHP, learnt new stuff, WACT! A powerful PHP Web Application Component Framework, is something similar like Prado. Prado is the PHP web programming framework that I love. If you try to run their Hangman games, and yes.. it’s very powerful and usefull framework and save your time on develop new application, it’s because the “class” is reuseable. Gentoo, which running on lotso’s Dell laptop, look coool! Guys, thank for coming and the ideas been given to me. Lot more work to do.. keep the group growth
One response to “Malaysia PHP User Group First Meet Up”
[…] 我开始创办Malaysia PHP User Group,第一次的反应还好,很多人踊跃出席,大谈特谈PHP的东西,开始PHP group的目的是要招马来西亚的人才聚在一起。 […]