Ahem… Ahem, can you read me? Can you access my blog? testing 123 testing 123… OK, Malaysian Streamyx user, let shout loudly together, “TMNUT SUCK”. THEY can used RM9million to rebrand their company but can’t buy better hardware, hired better people to take care of the broadband network. This is not the first time anymore… down again.. international network screwed up. How online business survive… TMNut.. I am sick with you, You Suck!
13 responses to “TMNut really suck, Malaysian… Do you agree?”
for a moment, i thought it was my own problem. thanks for confirming the fact that tmnet is behind this again. *sigh*
Woahhhh, later kena sue for changing their logo after RM9M being spent.
Yes, they SUCK. They have to buck up. My connection drops every 10 minutes here in Ampang.
Also, there was an article on jeffooi.com or somewhere that they can easily upgrade everyone to 6MBps or more, but they wouldn’t because they want to squeeze profits from their corporate Internet services.
I totally believe that, because my Singaporean and Korean friends laughed when I told them the maximum speed for home users is 1Mbps (and that’s the theoretical best).
Joe, this is TMNut logo, not TMNet 😛
CH, China and HK is 10x faster than us 🙂
WE got to urge govn to bring in other ISP provider, but it won’t happen, later TMNut will be like another Proton.. Ha Ha Ha
you r god damn right… It proves improvement is not possible if there is no competant……. haih… tmnut…… proton….. haihh….. Malaysia…………
[…] http://www.paulooi.com/?p=167 http://www.paulooi.com/?p=140 http://www.paulooi.com/?p=70 http://www.paulooi.com/?p=83 http://www.paulooi.com/?p=59 http://www.paulooi.com/?p=38 http://www.paulooi.com/?p=10 […]
Key Word is———–LOADING——–DC——S***——CONNECTI—ON——
IoI damn streamyx Broadband still got top ranking for very2 weak~s ADSL BROADBAND in the world,…….. nop adsl i thing it just 0000.1bps DL Speed for RM88.00 permonth…………
RM 88 for 10kbps connection speed??!!Come’on……….
Yes, they are absolutely suck, soon when 3.5G and Wi-Max come to Malaysia,
all this selfish and lazy stupid local ISP will learn how to be a “Good” ISP.
good comment….y dun we all stop using…..hihi
TMNET is really suck…better change to TMNUT…..wut was their CEO doin?eat like pig…then talk like rubbish….
its so fuck up service..tm net had….even worse when it had the fair usage policy for streamyx house use…wat the hack…tat mean pple subscribe faster package like end up same speed??…there r too many pple subscribe wit tm net….but nvr ever updated the boardand server to back up tat much user…reli reli suck man….
My streamyx 1mbps basic network like a 56k !!!this is fucking network!!!!!!!